Sales Cloud-platform to understand the customer and drive growth

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  • Post last modified:June 6, 2022

Today we are reviewing the platform from Salesforce aimed at Sales departments, called Sales Cloud. This cloud-based platform shines, especially today, because of its competitiveness towards resuming activity working remotely, from home.

One of the most relevant claims by Salesforce, the tech multinational with the number one CRM in the world, is that its cloud-based platforms can be accessed through any device, in any moment, everywhere.

Sales Cloud is not a different case. This platform is targeted to sales teams regarding this fact, there is another claim from Salesforce that shines out: “sell smarter, faster and from anywhere”.

In conclusion, all sales teams have one solid and single objective, which is obtaining the best results. Obviously, Salesforce in general, and Sales Cloud in particular, have everything necessary to achieve success in three key steps: attract more customers, accelerate productivity and make better, more informed decisions

Benefits of using Sales Cloud

Whether we sell products or services, directly to companies or to a final customer, the ultimate goal of any given company will always be to improve sales. Sales Cloud, because of that fact, is a great tool to strengthen the pillars of any business.

Below we highlight three factors that turn Salesforce’s Sales Cloud in a very interesting set of software solutions for sales teams, and these three factors are also the reasons why it has become the leader of its own market. 

  • Automate processes and have access wherever you are: Sales Cloud is not only a platform or a set of tools destined to improve the reach of sales teams. Besides, it includes one of the most avant-garde and trendy technologies today, which is artificial intelligence. Einstein is the AI tool integrated inside Sales Cloud and can be used to automate basic processes in order to have more time for other tasks that really matter.
  • Evolve your sales strategy and expand your reach: here we go to another of the trendy terms of this generation of technology, Big Data. Not without reason, because Sales Cloud allows you to take better informed decisions, due to its ability to recollect and analyse in real time the performance of some activities, letting you know what is making your company grow and how.